Seminar with Emilio Gomez Acero as an anteroom for summer courses and advice for exams up to 4 dan i
This past weekend, a seminar with Emilio Gomez Acero could be organized in the Valencian community, in which clubs from several provinces such as Yoshinkai and Bushinkai Valencia, Makoto Madrid, Makoto Alboraya and Alicante, Herca Torrente and our friends from kendo participated. Almeriense with Javier Tirado as instructor of the group, Kendo Castellón the organizers of the event.
During these 4 days aspects of kendo and Iaido such as postures, twists, breaths, zanshin (especially this point with respect to Iaido) were worked out ... which are now detailed for further enlargement of the article. Kendo: "Kata Bokuto or yoru Kendo kihon waza keiko ho" was practiced in its entirety for the purpose of its comprehension and later practical application with the complete equipment and shinai in hand.

According to the words of our beloved teacher "If you can understand it, you will have advanced a lot, not by striking but by doing it with feeling and with delivery of the motodachi, uchidachi will grow, and thus we will learn all of ourselves, unlike the level we have ". Other aspects of the kendo seminar were previous preparations for the kendo test next month in Valencia, (up to 4 dan), in which all kenshi contributed their grain of sand for future examiners, who were gathered by the sensei for his Advice on how to face each one his own personal challenge with total dedication;
His words were for all: "DO NOT WAIT AND ID WITH DELIVERY, WHO WAITING FOR SOMETHING CAN NOT RECEIVE ANYTHING AND SUSPEND THE EXAM ... it would be a pity and a bad job done by me these days"; We must all take into account the effort that comes from BRUSSELS to correct the defects of practice and we must value these words and wise advice of more than 40 years of experience that endorse.
Iaido: They practiced all the katas and one own personal ambush of 5 katas for examination. The posture and semen of MAE were worked, making a correct OMORI (I emphasize the height of the Kisaki that must have each point of the kata, as well as the angles of cut and twist) realizing it in a single movement, as well as aspects of retraction And advance. Uke nagashi, 5 minute work and posture of the edge and feet ("eye with the position of the same in the turn, we run too much and we are in a bad angle, thus you will not have learned anything of what I am explaining"). Tachi iai, the most important aspect has been to "focus the position of the sword and do not get oblique ... you have to avoid this and we should focus our cut at all times, including the saya banare. Evil or we will lose what we are doing, look before each turn, otherwise this is KABUKI and I do not come to perform any theater but to work with all of you "... let us work this as it is important.
"If you can move with ease and make a wide and correct cut, I do not care about the rest of the kata, I just want the important concepts to stay present otherwise, return to the beginning of what I have always explained to self-flex , And why I do not do it correctly as before, from this point I see that my work has been heard and understood "
Let us remember these words.
Regards and good summer, see you soon.